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Configuring and using the logger

A big use for Zircon is to enable easy logging for your game. This is done through the @rbxts/log library, however requires that you set Zircon as the sink.

import Log from "@rbxts/log";import Log, { Logger } from "@rbxts/log";import Zircon from "@rbxts/zircon";
Log.SetLogger(    Logger.configure()        .WriteTo(Zircon.Log.Console()) // This will emit any `Log` messages to the Zircon console        .Create() // Creates the logger from the configuration);

Zircon.Log.Console() here is a Sink, in which Log will use to output any messages you use, e.g. Log.Info("Hello, World!");

And that's pretty much it. If you want to configure the logger itself further, see the @rbxts/log docs.